Oppo!! Remember, even if you don't like the Presidential Candidates, vote downballot!!!

Kinja'd!!! "Mercedes Streeter" (smart)
11/08/2016 at 09:32 • Filed to: Election

Kinja'd!!!23 Kinja'd!!! 17

The people down ballot often have the ability to ruin your life more than either Clinton or Trump can. Wanna know why weird ordinances, awkward state laws, and downright inhumane laws (like North Carolina’s HB 2 or Houston’s version of HB 2) get passed?

Because nobody stops these people from getting elected. The general public is always so caught up in the Presidential Election that they forget about the state races and downballot. Our best current bet to fixing our Government is hitting it at the source, local and state elections.

And remember to vote for your Governor whenever you get the chance, stop people like Pat McCrory from obtaining office.

So get out there and vote! Even if you dislike both Clinton and Trump, you can still make a difference today!!


Kinja'd!!! Biggus Dickus (RevsBro) > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 09:44


I think I’m going to write in “Zombie Reagan”

Kinja'd!!! Rainbow > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 09:47


Also, even though you totally have the right to not vote for Trump or Clinton, be honest with yourself: you dislike one more than the other. It’s frustrating to see people just refusing to choose one, when several of their ideas are completely polarizing. It’s literally impossible to be truly neutral on these two. (Yes, yes, third parties, blah blah blah. Do what you want, but do understand that it’s going to be Trump or Clinton regardless.)

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Rainbow
11/08/2016 at 09:50


So true! :)

However, there’s one caveat with that: If you live in a heavy heavy heavy blue/red state. At that point you have some leeway in not voting for “the lesser of two evils”. Clinton has an absurd lead in my state in most polls, so I felt comfortable voting for a write-in.

If you’re in a swing state or a state in which it’s a close race, you better think out your vote two or three times, your state can sway the election in either direction.

Kinja'd!!! Chris_K_F drives an FR-Slow > Rainbow
11/08/2016 at 10:00


I’m glad I live in an undeniably blue state, so that I don’t have to struggle with the idea of actually voting for Hillary. If I was in a swing state, I’d be taking advantage of votepact.org to trade my Johnson votes in for 11-12 GJ votes in exchange for one Hilldawg vote from me.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Chris_K_F drives an FR-Slow
11/08/2016 at 10:07


I love how we’re basically surrounded by weak red states and a swingy blue state to the north.

Kinja'd!!! Chris_K_F drives an FR-Slow > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 10:14


To be clear, this is one of very few things I like about living in an unwaveringly blue state. It doesn’t make up for the ridiculous taxes and incredibly negligent mishandling of funds taken from citizens. At least we aren’t feverishly trying to pass legislature against share-style businesses like Uber and AirBnB, as some other incredibly blue states are... yet.

Kinja'd!!! PatBateman > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 10:16


Just to be clear, Houston had a lesbian mayor and a mostly democrat city council when Houston put its version on the ballot.

Garfield/Odie 2016.

Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 10:17


Adam does a good job of explaining why all is not lost and voting is worth your time.



Kinja'd!!! loki03xlh > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 10:25


I live in Hellinois. HRC is going to win no matter what. I detest both candidates. Because of that, I’m voting third party.

Kinja'd!!! Funktheduck > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 10:27


Most of my down ballot had no opposition.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Chris_K_F drives an FR-Slow
11/08/2016 at 10:45


Oh yeah I agree! Between the corruption, Illinois has a great balance of being reasonable (social rights, assistance programs, colleges, etc) as opposed to going all-in.

That said, screw Illinois Dept of Transportation. I hope Amendment 1 passes.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > loki03xlh
11/08/2016 at 10:46


Same here! I already wrote-in for Bernie, then voted for all the local peeps I’d like to be elected or stay around.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > PatBateman
11/08/2016 at 10:48


Oh yeah, I know...just not enough people cared to vote against that stupid thing, and many bought into the whole predator stuff.

Plus you know, the Lt Governor of Texas *shudder*.

Kinja'd!!! PatBateman > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 11:07


Our Governor Light (in-capital slang for Lt. Governor) is a brazen shithead. David Dewhurst* was a much better statesman than this asshole.

*Dewhurst was the Lt. Governor when I worked in the State Senate. He wasn’t overly nice to staff, but he wasn’t an asshole either. The Ds had respect for him regardless of him being an R, and vice versa. Patrick just fosters division in a branch of the legislature that is known for civility and cooperation.

Kinja'd!!! Jack Does Cars > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 11:09


The good news is that most of NC’s state house reps will be voted out today because pretty much all of them are hated. My house rep, Nelson Dollar (district 36) is losing by a sizeable margin to loveable mom and all around Good Lady Jennifer Ferrell.

HB2 has been such a setback for NC on an national level, and it’s logical why it is horribly unpopular here. We lost the NBA All-Star Game, interest from Google and numerous other corporations, along with musicians and television cancelling shows in the state. The only people that truly support it are Pat McCrory and pretty much every Republican in the state house, but like I already said, there’s a pretty large chance that they will be voted out.

I have many trans friends, all of which I love very much, and it pains me to see them be thrown in such uncomfortable situations almost everywhere they go. It’s not like they already had to fight to live in the first place...

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Jack Does Cars
11/08/2016 at 11:44


I’m glad a trans woman is running for Congress in Utah. I wish I lived out there just to vote for her.

The sad thing is that the Gubernatorial race in NC is close as all heck, and McCrory’s opponent is only edging him out because of HB 2...turns out there are a lot of misinformed/hateful voters in NC. :(

Kinja'd!!! Jack Does Cars > Mercedes Streeter
11/08/2016 at 13:18


Roy Cooper is holding a lead, which is good to hear. And it’s not as much as NC’s voters are hateful as they are, as you said, misinformed. NC has a very strong political divide. The more populated metro areas (Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, Greensboro, and especially Asheville) tend to be more liberal as they all have a large Northern population. The rural counties tend to be conservative because, ya know, rural areas.

I’m also surprised and happy to see that a trans woman is running especially in Utah. It’s bold and empowering.